Monday 16 January 2017

The Birth of my blog - Great start for 2017


So today my blog starts! Welcome everybody and in particular to my former and current students as well as my peers!

As you are aware the terrain in agricultural sciences is a 'rough' one; just judging by the current on-going debates! Currently 'very hot' debates and arguments are going on globally on aspects of Genetically Modified Crops / Plant Biotechnology research and arising products as well as the judicious use of Agro-chemicals.

So here we are - to discuss these contemporary issues in the practices that bring food to our tables!

I have loved so much the subjects I intend to write about here and I am happy that I will share my thoughts and possibly get my ideas on such a platform, while sharing some of my experiences and issues arising from research and teaching as well as from debates occurring in the public domains.
